-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 TITLE: A more detailed description of 3Com ® OfficeConnect® Remote 812 ADSL Router DESCRIPTION: A big description of the vulnerability, Status and Solutions. I send this mail to explain the real problem and the solutions to all these people that were interested in the bug. Thanks to all people that has sent me a email with theirs experienced PROBLEM SUMMARY: In the previous mail, I advertised about a problem in PAT(Port Address Translation) that can be used to access all ports in the computer behind the router. educmat_private inform me about a feature called iNAT or iPAT (Intelligent NAT/PAT. I think this should be called Stupid NAT/PAT). With this feature, when a connection is established from a computer behind the router with a remote computer, the router redirects all the connections from the remote computer to the computer that initiate the connection behind the router, even if the ports aren't redirected whith PAT. Somebody from 3Com Europe sent me a mail with the same explanation, and write a text extracted from 812CLI (Version 2.0) documentation (see attachment). But iNAT/PAT really has a bug. BUG: When we try to connect to a port that is not redirected to a computer behind the router using iPAT, there is no problem, the router doesn't allow this connection. But if before we connect to a port redirected using iPAT and inmediately we try to connect to any port not redirected using iPAT, the router allows the successive connections to any port, redirecting the connections to the internal computer. The problem exists with TCP and with UDP. The problem exists when iPAT is enable (It is enable by default) and it isn't a feature, it is a bug. A lot of people sent me mails saying that this is a feature called iNAT, but the iNAT isn't working as it should. SOLUTIONS: Disable iNAT/PAT (Caution: Some programs, like NetMeeting may not work). There is an unoficial version of the firmware (version 2.1.2) at http://www.adslnet.ws/ ( http://es.geocities.com/doelgroup/mr020102.zip ) that seems not to have the bug. If somebody tries it, make me know, please. - -- - -------------------------------------------------- Ismael Briones Vilar Mundinteractivos - El Mundo Area de Internet Pradillo, 42 ismael@el-mundo.net 28002 - Madrid (SPAIN, EU) http://www.elmundo.es/ Tel: (+34) 915864800 (Ext: 4615) Fax: (+34) 915864480 - -------------------------------------------------- GPG PubKey: fingerprint: 8FD8 1450 29AC 5B5F 4186 0417 B67A 978F 281C D54F http://pgp.rediris.es:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x281CD54F - -------------------------------------------------- "Este negocio, es un organismo vivo. Se multiplica sin cesar rodeado por depredadores. No hay cabida para tiempo ocioso ni vacilaciones. Nuevos descubrimientos nos inundan, nuevas ideas, listas para ser devoradas, redefinidas. Este negocio en binario. Eres un uno o un cero, vives o mueres...." Gary Winston (AntiTrust) "Good artists copy, great artists steal." Pablo Picasso -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux) Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org iD8DBQE9B4IatnqXjygc1U8RAu/QAKCfF8K299YHckLKa6MYVWHRORXFHwCfR+xy /fm65CLKYVDrz04gR1hFO34= =f5/8 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
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