A different type of sniffer: Hafiye

From: Kullanici Tarum (tarumnabalabat_private)
Date: Wed Jun 12 2002 - 12:51:45 PDT

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    Hi guys,
    If you looked at the source code for various sniffers, you'll notice that
    they all have seperate dedicated .C files for interpreting different
    protocols. Why not have a sniffer who can understand and interpret user
    supplied protocol details: ?
    Here is one: hafiye. Before starting sniffing, hafiye first loads the
    knowledge-base files the user has written and forms a knowledge-base for
    itself. Hafiye interprets incoming traffic according to this
    If it did interest you and you want a test drive, here is the tarball url:
    PS. This is the very initial release, and I'm sure there are lots of ideas
    that can be developed on top of this model.
    Any ideas are welcome.
    Shameless self promotion:  ;-P a security related job in Istanbul/Turkey.

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