Re: Microsoft releases critical fix that breaks their own software!

From: Deus, Attonbitus (Thorat_private)
Date: Thu Jun 13 2002 - 10:32:15 PDT

  • Next message: Gavin Hanover: "Re: Microsoft releases critical fix that breaks their own software!"

    Hash: SHA1
    At 10:58 PM 6/12/2002, Geoff Shively wrote:
    >What classic MS, their newest critical alert dealing with the Gopher Root
    >Vulnerability discussed on Security Focus last week
    >[] seems to break windows media
    >Is there any validity to this- and, does their fix work?
    >More info on the microsoft critical alert:
    >More info on the breakage:
    Why would you phrase the question like this when you *are* PivX, know the 
    vulnerability exists, and have your own fix for it?
    I mean, asking "is there any validity to this" seems almost like you are 
    trying to pretend to be an unattached 3rd party-- To me, anyway...
    I would think it would be just fine to say "Hey, here is the problem, we 
    have verified it, and we have a solution.... "
    Of course, feel free to correct me if I am wrong...
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