[LBYTE] Ruslan Communications <BODY>Builder SQL modification

From: Alexander Korchagin (akorat_private)
Date: Thu Jun 13 2002 - 08:47:03 PDT

  • Next message: Deus, Attonbitus: "Re: Microsoft releases critical fix that breaks their own software!"

    Original reference: http://www.security.nnov.ru/search/news.asp?binid=2092
    Title:          <BODY>Builder SQL modification
    Author:         mam0nt of Limpid Byte http://lbyte.void.ru/
    Vendor:         Ruslan Communications
    Vendor URL:     http://ruslan-com.ru/
    Vendor Status:  Contacted, not replied
    Released:       June, 13 2002
     <Body>Builder  is  a  site  building  engine  by  Ruslan Communications
     written  in  Java.  It has administrative access via http://site/Admin.
     All accounts are stored in database and accessed via SQL.
     Leak  of  input  validation  from server side allows user to modify SQL
     request  during authentication. It may be used to access administrative
     interface without password or to run any SQL request on backend.
     Use login='-- and pass='--
     Edit _login__jsp.java:
              -- cut --
              java.lang.String _jspParam;
              _jspParam = request.getParameter("username");
              if (_jspParam != null && ! _jspParam.equals("") && _checkvalue(_jspParam) )
              _jspParam = request.getParameter("password");
              if (_jspParam != null && ! _jspParam.equals("") && _checkvalue(_jspParam) )
     Add new function called _checkvalue
              public static boolean _checkvalue(java.lang.String _value)
               int count;
               char temp;
               for (count=0;count<_value.length();count++)
                if (temp=='\'' ) return false;
                return true;
     Vendor notified via e-mail without feedback.

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