TOORCON COMPUTER SECURITY CONFERENCE 2002 CALL FOR PAPERS - June 13, 2002 Papers and presentations are now being accepted for ToorCon 2002, which is being held on the 27th-29th of September 2002 at the San Diego Concourse in San Diego, CA. ABOUT TOORCON ToorCon is a comprehensive three day computer security extraveganza featuring lectures from some of the top experts in the field, hands-on demonstrations of the newest approaches to computer security, and a competitive game called RootWars which tests your penetration and defensive skills in a real-time simulation. It will be held on September 27th-29th in Downtown San Diego and starts off with a reception at The Bristol Hotel on Friday, September 27th. The Conference will take place on Saturday, September 28th and Sunday, September 29th in rooms 227, 228, and 250 at the San Diego Concourse. SUBMISSION OF PAPERS ToorCon will be covering a range of topics on current issues in the computer security industry. All that we ask is that your presentations are not selling a commercial product or service. We also ask that your presentations are on cutting edge technologies/concepts. All talks should be 75 minutes in length with approximately 10-15 minutes allocated for Q&A and open discussion. All submissions should be sent to cfpat_private Talks will be accepted up until the 16th of August, 2002. SPEAKER BENEFITS For each presentation ToorCon will provide free entrance for every person speaking and 1 guest. We will also list one affiliation as a bronze sponsor. SPEAKER REQUIREMENTS Please include the following information with your submission: - The topic and title of your presentation. - A brief overview of your presentation. - A valid email address and telephone number where you can be reached. - How many people will be presenting. - A brief biography on why you are qualified to speak on your topic. This will be used on as well as in any press material for the conference. - You may speak on behalf of your company/organization or yourself. If you are speaking under a company/organization, please specify. FURTHER INFORMATION Please visit for information and speeches. Updated announcements will be posted to news groups, security mailing lists, e-mail, and this web site when available. LOCATION INFORMATION The ToorCon 2002 reception will take place on Friday, September 27th at the Bristol Hotel across from the San Diego Concourse. The Bristol Hotel 1055 First Ave. San Diego, CA 92101 800.662.4477 619.232.6141 The Conference will take place on Saturday, September 28th and Sunday, September 29th at the San Diego Concourse. San Diego Concourse 202 C St. San Diego, CA 92101 IMPORTANT DATES - June 13th 2002 Call for Papers issued. - August 16th 2002 Call for Papers closed. - August 27th 2002 Final submission of complete material for CDs and printing. - September 27th 2002 ToorCon 2002 Day 1. - September 28th 2002 ToorCon 2002 Day 2. - September 29th 2002 ToorCon 2002 Day 3.
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