Re: Microsoft releases critical fix that breaks their own software!

From: mattmurphyat_private
Date: Thu Jun 13 2002 - 15:20:24 PDT

  • Next message: h1kari: "ToorCon 2002 Call For Papers"

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    In-Reply-To: <054c01c212eb$7468b970$3701a8c0@stingray>
    >Check the conditions pivx lists here:
    > to make sure its being executed 
    >as we did.
    >This has been reported by over 100 users, and duplicated by PivX lab 
    >monekys on Window2k 95 and 98.
    Might I suggest that this is a misconfiguration by the folks at PivX?  IE 
    6, and WMP 7.1, on a WinMe box has no problem with it.  There is an option 
    to set a DEFAULT proxy.  This would cause the behavior you described, as 
    would simply enabling the proxies, and setting a Gopher proxy (the 
    HTTP/FTP fields are automatically filled in with bogus addresses when 
    proxies are first enabled).  It appears as though your find is your own 
    error, rather than any problem with the workaround.  It is interesting, 
    though, MS appears to have simply ripped off the Online Solutions 
    workaround that's been floating around for a few weeks.

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