I am unfamiliar with <Body>Builder (and their site is in Russian so I can't find a link), but in normal java web development pages named *_jsp.java are generated java code from .jsp files. The name of the *_jsp.java files is non-standard and varies between servlet engine implementations. The behaviour of the servlet engine when these files are modified is also non-standard (Some will recompile the file to pickup the changes, but others - eg Tomcat 3.2 - will not). The recommended fix should be implemented in the .jsp files (if available - they are sometimes shipped inside a .war file), not the .java files. Of course, if the *.jsp files are unavailable then this may the best possible work-around. Regards, Nick Lothian > -----Original Message----- > From: Alexander Korchagin [mailto:akorat_private] > Sent: Friday, 14 June 2002 1:17 AM > To: bugtraqat_private > Subject: [LBYTE] Ruslan Communications <BODY>Builder SQL modification > > > > Original reference: > http://www.security.nnov.ru/search/news.asp?binid=2092 > > Title: <BODY>Builder SQL modification > Author: mam0nt of Limpid Byte http://lbyte.void.ru/ > Vendor: Ruslan Communications > Vendor URL: http://ruslan-com.ru/ > Vendor Status: Contacted, not replied > Released: June, 13 2002 > > Background: > > <Body>Builder is a site building engine by Ruslan > Communications > written in Java. It has administrative access via > http://site/Admin. > All accounts are stored in database and accessed via SQL. > > Problem: > > Leak of input validation from server side allows user to > modify SQL > request during authentication. It may be used to access > administrative > interface without password or to run any SQL request on backend. > > Exploitation: > > Use login='-- and pass='-- > > Solution: > > Edit _login__jsp.java: > > -- cut -- > java.lang.String _jspParam; > _jspParam = request.getParameter("username"); > if (_jspParam != null && ! _jspParam.equals("") && > _checkvalue(_jspParam) ) > Log.setUsername(_jspParam); > _jspParam = request.getParameter("password"); > if (_jspParam != null && ! _jspParam.equals("") && > _checkvalue(_jspParam) ) > Log.setPassword(_jspParam); > --cut-- > > Add new function called _checkvalue > > public static boolean _checkvalue(java.lang.String _value) > { > int count; > char temp; > for (count=0;count<_value.length();count++) > { > temp=_value.charAt(count); > if (temp=='\'' ) return false; > } > return true; > } > > Vendor: > > Vendor notified via e-mail without feedback. >
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