Mr. Murphy, You are correct, it was Online Solutions [] that originally posted the work around, though Microsoft is reproducing it for its users. PivX has written an open letter [] to Microsoft and Online Solutions Oy with no reply at this time. I just finished checking over all of the support accounts, as well as my personal accounts with PivX. I found no message from mattmurphyat_private or from any other address with your name in it. Would you please e-mail me directly from now on at gshivelyat_private regarding the "multitude of inaccuracies" you mention. PivX put this fix out because of Microsoft's original response of 'not releasing a patch at this time', instead waiting to include a gopher removal function into the WindowsXPT service pack 1. This is a program for the somewhat less technical demographic of computer users who cannot edit registry settings on their own, much less mess with Internet ExplorerT proxy settings. Go ask good'ol mom or the girlfriend what a proxy is. :) Thank You, Geoff Shively, CHO PivX Solutions, LLC ----- Original Message ----- From: <mattmurphyat_private> To: <bugtraqat_private> Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2002 3:08 PM Subject: Re: Microsoft releases critical fix that breaks their own software! : In-Reply-To: <009301c2129f$58ff1f90$3701a8c0@stingray> : : >What classic MS, their newest critical alert dealing with the Gopher Root : >Vulnerability discussed on Security Focus last week : >[] seems to break windows media : >player. : > : >Is there any validity to this- and, does their fix work? : > : >More info on the microsoft critical alert: : > : url=/technet/security/ : >bulletin/MS02-027.asp : >More info on the breakage: : : Not a bit of validity to this; WMP 7.1 successfully initialized and did : not give any errors (fresh install), with the Gopher proxy set to : localhost:1. BTW I don't think it was MS that proposed the proxy : workaround, that was Online Solutions ( that did : that. I sent an e-mail to PivX concerning a *multitude* of inaccuracies : and omissions from their "Gopher Smoker" workaround. No response from : PivX on that. I will have to investigate this, but doesn't installing : such a fix like "Gopher Smoker" invalidate support contracts? :
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