Solaris 8 Screensaver Issue?

From: Jon Masters (jonathanat_private)
Date: Sun Jun 16 2002 - 21:45:24 PDT

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    Is anyone familiar with an apparent problem in the Solaris 8 screen lock
    process, I believe "dtscreen" (the lock icon in the CDE system tray
    invokes this command) allowing for a combination of the "Shift" and
    "Return" keys to cause the process to core dump and allow access to the
    currently running session? I have litterally done nothing more than notice
    this last night, have not had chance to run any debugger yet, etc.
    I presume this is a known problem but I encountered it quite by accident
    last night on an old Sparcstation I keep about the house - I'm mostly a
    Linux nut but thought I had installed most of the available security
    patches...anyway, if someone can confirm I'm missing one, then cheers.

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