procmail heap overflow

From: flatline (flatlineat_private)
Date: Tue Jun 18 2002 - 17:38:08 PDT

  • Next message: Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team: "Cisco Security Advisory: Buffer Overflow in UNIX VPN Client"

    i found a heap overflow in procmail (up until latest) some time ago.
    flatline@intra:/usr/bin$ ls -la procmail
    -rwsr-xr-x    1 root     mail        64344 Jun  3  2001 procmail*
    flatline@intra:/usr/bin$ ./procmail `perl -e '{print "A"x10240}'`=A
    procmail: Exceeded LINEBUF
    Segmentation fault
    at first it seemed to properly drop privs before segging, but not too long 
    ago i managed to make it crash while it still had euid 0.
    segfaults have been seen on red hat/slackware linux and bsd variants. 
    successful exploitation has not been verified.
    / flatline
    greets fly out to fc, zeno, xistence, thewolf, #gold, #!xpc and everyone 
    who felt left out.

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