> i found a heap overflow in procmail (up until latest) some time ago. > > flatline@intra:/usr/bin$ ls -la procmail > -rwsr-xr-x 1 root mail 64344 Jun 3 2001 procmail* > flatline@intra:/usr/bin$ ./procmail `perl -e '{print "A"x10240}'`=A > procmail: Exceeded LINEBUF > Segmentation fault > flatline@intra:/usr/bin$ Confirmed with v3.21 but it appears to have been fixed in v3.22. From the Procmail changelog (http://www.procmail.org/procmail.HISTORY.html): 2001/09/10: v3.22 Changes to procmail: ... * Catch overly long command line variable assignments What version were you using above? -r
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