Re: ssh environment - circumvention of restricted shells

From: Jose Nazario (joseat_private)
Date: Wed Jun 26 2002 - 17:14:26 PDT

  • Next message: OpenPKG: "[OpenPKG-SA-2002.005] OpenPKG Security Advisory (openssh)"

    i have an older OpenSSH hacked up to allow for secure connections to a
    BBS. obviously this is a limited case solution, but it does address some
    of the concerns in this note.
    first we disallow scp and remote command execution via modifications to
    ssh. this is for SSH-1.5 only, so the daemon is configured for that only.
    secondly, we dont let the user write to their home directory or do much of
    anything on the machine except connect to the BBS, mainly via permissions.
    their shell hardcodes restrictions on their telnet to loopback. oh yeah,
    the patch also hacks in the username "bbs-user", so now people can ssh and get there without issues. resource limits and quotas
    minimize any impact that an attack can cause.
    its not perfect, but it does the job and stops most attacks. the code is
    available here:

    hope that helps some people solve a part of this problem. i agree totally
    with markus, though, that the real issues are configuration errors.
    jose nazario, ph.d.			joseat_private

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