wp-02-0002: 'WEB-INF' Folder accessible in Multiple Web Application Servers

From: Matt Moore (mattat_private)
Date: Fri Jun 28 2002 - 08:27:40 PDT

  • Next message: Michael Kaegler: "H2K2 "Hacker" conference July 12-14 in New York City"

    Westpoint Security Advisory
    Title:         'WEB-INF' Folder accessible in Multiple Web Application 
    Risk Rating:     Medium
    Software:     Multiple Vendors
    Platforms:    Win32 Only (WinNT, Win2k)
    Vendor URL:     See Below
    Author:        Matt Moore <mattat_private>
    Date:        28th June 2002
    Advisory ID#:    wp-02-0002
    This vulnerability affects the Win32 versions of multiple j2ee servlet
    containers / application servers. By making a particular request to the
    servers in question it is possible to retrieve files located under
    the 'WEB-INF' directory.
    A web application ('web app') is a collection of servlets, Java Server
    Pages, HTML docs, images etc etc that are packaged in such a way that
    they can be portably deployed on any servlet-enabled web server.
    Applications are typically packaged in .WAR files. There is a standard
    structure for these files which looks something like:
    This can then be deployed to the application server. The WEB-INF directory
    is 'special'; anything under it is not to be served directly to web clients
    as it contains Java class files (for servlets etc) and configuration
    information for the web application. Hence, when an application server
    receives any requests for /WEB-INF/ it will usually return a '403 
    or even a '404 Not Found' HTTP error.
    The web.xml file which resides in WEB-INF is what is called a
    'deployment descriptor' and contains detailed information about the web
    application, e.g.: URL mappings, servlet registration details, welcome
    files, MIME types, page-level security constraints...
    A vulnerability exists in multiple Win32 servlet engines whereby if you
    append a dot ('.') to the end of WEB-INF in the requested URL, it is 
    to retrieve the contents of any files within that directory.
    It is possible to download the .java and .class files for a given 
    and access web.xml and other configuration files, and in some cases client
    session information.
    For example:
    This vulnerability is Win32 specific because of a quirk in the way the 
    file system operates. Basically, the file system ignores a trailing '.' 
    on a given path or filename.
    Vulnerable Products
    Sybase EA Server 4.0 ( www.sybase.com )
    OC4J - Oracle Containers for J2EE ( www.oracle.com )
    Orion 1.5.3 - ( www.orionserver.com ).
    JRun 3.0, 3.1 and JRun 4 - Macromedia / Allaire JRun ( www.macromedia.com )
    HPAS 8.0 - Hewlett Packard App Server ( www.bluestone.hp.com )
    Pramati 3.0 - Pramati App Server ( www.pramati.com )
    Jo - Jo Webserver ( http://sourceforge.net/projects/tagtraum-jo/ or 
    www.tagtraum.de )
    Patch Information:
    Sybase EA Server
    Upgrade to EAServer 4.1 (also fixed in maintenane release for 3.6.1)
    OC4J - Oracle Containers for J2EE
    Fixed in the latest version of OC4J / 9iAS. Download OC4J v9.0.2 from:
    Note: Two previous versions (v1. and  v1.0.2.2 are
    still available from this page, both of which still have this
    vulnerability (as of 28/06/02). If you are using either of
    these versions you should upgrade.
    Vulnerable developer preview was available for download from
    http://otn.oracle.com/tech/java/oc4j/content.html . This download
    has now been fixed.
    Orion Server
    Fixed in version 1.5.4
    JRun 3.0,3.1, 4.0
    Vendor contacted 31/1/02.
    Bug confirmed in 3.1 by vendor on 06/02/02.
    Vendor Alert: http://www.macromedia.com/v1/handlers/index.cfm?ID=23164
    Cumulative Patch available for JRun 3.0, 3.1 / 4.0
    HPAS 8.0
    Vendor contacted 07/02/02, bug confirmed by vendor on same day. Will be 
    in Maintenance Pack 8 (MP8)
    Pramati App Server
    Vendor contacted on 04/02/02. Fixes will be available in Service Pack 1.
    Jo Webserver
    Fixed in version 1.0b7 and later.
    Additional Information
    A Nessus plugin for this vulnerability should shortly be available from
    This advisory is available online at:

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