H2K2 "Hacker" conference July 12-14 in New York City

From: Michael Kaegler (mkaeglerat_private)
Date: Thu Jun 27 2002 - 23:08:29 PDT

  • Next message: secureat_private: "[CLA-2002:502] Conectiva Linux Security Announcement - openssh"

    Of fair interest to this list, I believe:
    Forwarded Message --------------------------------------------------------
    Folks, H2K2 is the next in the line of New York City hackerconferences
    organized by volunteers and 2600. Panels of particular interest to this
    list might include "Crypto for the Masses," "Databases and Privacy,"
    "Educating Lawmakers - Is It Possible?," and "Secure Telephony."
    Hope to see you all there. Registration closes at the end of the week!
    TALKS/PANELS FOR H2K2 - 7/12-14/2002 - NYC - www.h2k2.net
    Abuse of Authority
    Over the years, there have been many stories in the hacker world of law
    enforcement personnel who have abused their authority. Two of the more
    dramatic cases in recent memory both come out of Philadelphia. Many of
    us are already familiar with the horror story of Bernie S. who wound up
    in dangerous prisons for nearly a year all because the United States
    Secret Service had a vendetta against him. Then there is the case of
    ShapeShifter, 2600 layout artist, who was arrested at the Republican
    National Convention in 2000 (shortly after leading a panel on the RNC
    at H2K) and held on half a million dollars bail as if he were a
    terrorist mastermind - all because he had been targeted for speaking
    out in public. Hear the games the authorities play and how public
    education really can make a difference in putting an end to such abuse.
    Hosted by Bernie S. and ShapeShifter
    Access Control Devices
    There are all kinds of access control devices that we come in contact
    with every day. They include such things as magnet readers, proximity
    card readers, fingerprint readers, camera systems, biometrics, and
    basic standard operating procedures for a business. This talk will be a
    comprehensive guide to what's out there.
    Hosted by Mike Glasser
    The Argument Against Security Through Obscurity
    for the Non-Digital World
    In the world of networked computers, security through obscurity is
    generally ineffective. Hiding algorithms, protecting source code, and
    keeping procedures secret might be effective initially, but eventually
    the cloak of secrecy is penetrated. This talk will examine how security
    through obscurity is relied upon in the non-computerized world. When
    can security through obscurity work? What risk analysis should we use
    to examine the role of obscurity in the non-computerized world? The
    talk will present and examine the hypothesis that an "open source"
    mentality should be applied to security procedures for public places.
    This is a logical extension of the lesson in cryptanalysis - that no
    cryptographic method can be considered trustworthy until it has
    undergone a rigorous examination by qualified persons. Similarly, can
    we trust security procedures in the physical world designed,
    ostensibly, to protect the public if these procedures never undergo
    public scrutiny?
    Hosted by Greg Newby
    Black Hat Bloc
    How I Stopped Worrying About Corporations
    and Learned to Love the Hacker Class War
    Hackers must deal with governments and ultimately the corporations
    that wield most of the decision making power within them. Looking over
    the past few decades of hacker interaction with corporations, we
    notice some interesting trends in the two worlds that indicate strong
    influences of the corporate and hacker worlds on the other's ethics
    and culture, often only hinted at to the rest of the world via biased
    corporate PR machines in the form of broadcast and publishing media.
    Hacker posts to Bugtraq become resumes, hacker tech like BBSes and IRC
    become the technical implementations of every Internet startup's
    business plan, hackers testify in front of Congress to warn them of
    impending doom directly resulting in increased federal cybercrime
    funding, while piracy is accepted by governments and media (but not
    the public) as theft. Has hacking become the fast venture capitalist
    track to shiny gadgets that go fast and make noise, a la Slashdot?
    Should we ignore intellectual property legislation and treaties that
    are passed solely to make rich people richer? This talk takes a look
    at where hacker/corporate/government relationships have been, where
    they are now, and where they could be going - hopefully shedding some
    light on everyone's motivations along the way.
    Hosted by Gweeds
    Bullies on the Net - The Ford and Nissan Cases
    We could fill the entire weekend with stories like these and we have no
    doubt there will be many more such tales in the years to come. With the
    help of agencies, corporations, treaties, and laws with acronyms like
    ICANN, WIPO, WTO, and the DMCA, the individual very often finds himself
    at the mercy of corporate giants with virtually unlimited funding - and
    seemingly unlimited power. Throughout it all however, there remains
    hope. Hear the story of Uzi Nissan, who is being sued by the Nissan
    Motor Company for daring to use his own name on the Internet. We'll
    also talk about how the Ford Motor Company sued 2600 - and lost.
    Hosted by Emmanuel Goldstein, Eric Grimm, and Uzi Nissan
    Caller ID Spoofing
    A demonstration of how Caller ID works as well as methods that can be
    used to emulate and display spoofed Caller ID messages on Caller ID and
    Caller ID with Call Waiting boxes using a Bell 202 modem. Details on the
    technical aspects such as Caller ID protocol for both regular and Call Waiting
    Caller ID. If all goes well, you may actually see a live demonstration of
    spoofed Caller ID.
    Hosted by Lucky225 and Tray Smee
    "The Conscience of a Hacker"
    Probably the most famous single essay about what it's like to be a
    hacker is "The Conscience of a Hacker" by The Mentor, written in 1986.
    It's been quoted all over the place, including the movie "Hackers." It
    remains one of the most inspirational pieces written about the hacker
    community and it's survived well over time. This year, we're pleased to
    have The Mentor himself give a reading of it and offer additional
    Crypto for the Masses
    This panel will approach cryptography from the perspective of enabling a
    'digital world' where key social schemes are preserved -- personal
    identity, anonymity, and the right to privacy. We'll talk about the basic
    inner workings of cryptosystems, and discuss how they can be applied now
    to create and enforce cyber rights. We'll also discuss the hurdles faced
    by crypto and its adopters, and the public at large. We'll also learn
    just how crypto is being threatened and abused by certian global goons.
    Cult of the Dead Cow Extravaganza
    This year, the megamerican computer hackers of patriotism, Cult of the
    Dead Cow, honor our country with "Hooray for America!" -- an all-star
    revue including the Anheuser-Busch Clydesdales, NASCAR champion Dingus
    McProstate, and the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders. Reid Fleming will give
    a thorough and thoroughly educational description of the history and
    symbology of the Great Seal (which you can find on the back side of a
    $1 bill). Grandmaster Ratte himself will lead the audience in a
    sustained chant of "U.S.A.! U.S.A.! U.S.A.!" Oh, and maybe there will
    be some new software too.
    Databases and Privacy
    Once again, world renowned private eye Steve Rambam will enlighten and
    frighten attendees with the latest updates on the personal information
    that is out there about each and every one of us. Find out which
    databases contain the most invasive information and who has access to
    them, as well as what you can do to protect your privacy. There will
    also be a discussion on truth and accountability on the net as well as
    live demonstrations.
    The DeCSS Story
    At our last conference, we were preparing to go on trial for daring to
    have the code to DeCSS on our web site. Quite a lot has happened since
    then. The public perception of entities like the MPAA and the RIAA has
    gone down the toilet as their true motives became apparent. We were the
    first in what will be a long line of courtroom battles to defend
    freedom of speech, fair use, and open source technology. While we lost
    the case and the subsequent appeal, we still somehow feel victorious.
    Find out why.
    Hosted by Emmanuel Goldstein, Robin Gross, and Ed Hernstadt
    Digital Demonstrations: Criminal DDoS Attack or Cyber Sit-in?
    Being able to carry political opinions to the public by showing them on
    the street is a basic part of democratic rights. Nowadays, a steadily
    increasing part of our life takes place in cyberspace. Things which
    aren't happening in cyberspace will therefore get less and less public
    attention. How can protest be taken into the virtual realm? What
    strategies for "online demonstrations" have we seen so far? How about
    the ethical and legal dimensions? Who gets hurt? Host Maximillian
    Dornseif will present a new approach for conducting online
    demonstrations without adversely affecting other users on the net.
    DMCA Legal Update
    Since we last met, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act has claimed
    more victims and been at the forefront of all kinds of legal action. We
    even had the first instance of a programmer being thrown into prison
    because of a program he wrote while in his native Russia! Hear the
    latest on the Dmitry Sklyarov case and others that the DMCA is
    responsible for as well as what is being done to put an end to it.
    Hosted by Mike Godwin, Eric Grimm, and Robin Gross
    Educating Lawmakers - Is It Possible?
    Trying to educate Congress about technology is approximately as useful
    as teaching a pig to type. It doesn't work and you get one peeved pig.
    But there are sometimes ways to make a difference in law and policy
    circles without becoming a wholly owned tool of the Demopublican Party.
    A discussion with journalist Declan McCullagh and cryptologist Matt
    Everything you ever wanted to know about spying
    and did not know who to ask....
    This is pure balls-out fun. Former spy Robert Steele will answer 
    questions about
    any aspect of intelligence or counterintelligence, to include covert
    action in Central America, ECHELON, how and why we completely missed
    the warnings on bin Laden and 9/11, etc. This can be considered an
    extension of the H2K session, which lasted for hours.
    Face Scanning Systems at Airports: Ready for Prime Time?
    A talk about the technical problems of face scanning systems being used
    at airports to pick out terrorists. Will these systems work like the
    promoters are claiming they will? Or will they fail to catch terrorists
    and instead turn our airports into round-up zones for petty criminals?
    Hosted by Richard M. Smith
    "Freedom Downtime"
    A presentation of the 2600 documentary on the Free Kevin movement
    followed by a Q&A session with some of the key people involved in the
    making of the film.
    Fun With 802.11b
    Would you be surprised if you could turn on your laptop anywhere in the
    city and find yourself on someone else's network? How about if you were
    able to connect to the Internet? Or see someone's private data go
    flying by? It's all possible and it happens all the time - all over the
    country. This panel will cover 802.11 wireless ethernet networking
    basics, as well as detecting and monitoring wireless networks with
    active and passive methods. Community free networks, custom antennas,
    and methods of securing wireless networks will also be covered.
    Hosted by dragorn
    Fucking Up the Internet at ICANN: Global Control
    Through the Domain Name System and How to Escape
    Did you know that the entire Internet domain structure is controlled by
    a mysterious group called the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names
    and Numbers (ICANN)? Andy Mueller-Maguhn, longtime member and spokesman
    of Germany's Chaos Computer Club and currently elected from European
    users to be on the board of ICANN, will explain the latest developments
    at ICANN and how the mixture of intellectual property and governmental
    interests affects the freedom of the Internet. Paul Garrin, founder of
    name.space and FREE.THE.MEDIA!, will talk about his initiatives to
    establish rights to access to the legacy ROOT.ZONE, from the historical
    antitrust action against Network Solutions in 1997 through the US
    Department of Commerce's IFWP process (the predecessor to ICANN), and
    Name.Space's $50,000.00 TLD application to ICANN in 2000 (ICANN kept
    the money and took three TLD's previously published by Name.Space). The
    question is raised: Is there hope for seeking fair access to the legacy
    ROOT.ZONE through due process or is it time to treat ICANN as "damage"
    and route around it?
    Fun with Pirate Radio and Shortwave
    Too few people take the time to appreciate shortwave radio. Even fewer
    have the opportunity to appreciate pirate radio. Here's your chance to
    learn more about these fascinating subjects. Allan Weiner will talk
    about his days operating Radio New York International, a famous pirate
    station from the 80's that served the New York area before it was
    raided by federal authorities in international waters. (We have no idea how
    the feds got away with that.) Today Weiner operates shortwave station WBCQ -
    along with chief engineer Timtron - which serves nearly the entire
    western hemisphere from studios in Maine. Craig Harkins joins the panel
    to talk of his experiences operating Anteater Radio during much of the
    90's from an 18-wheeler truck. He received international acclaim from
    listeners while consistently evading American and Canadian radio police.
    GNU Radio: Free Software Radio Collides with Hollywood's Lawyers
    The GNU Radio project is building a platform for experimenting with
    software radios - systems where the actual waveforms received and
    transmitted are defined by software, not special purpose hardware. One
    of their projects is building an all-software ATSC (HDTV) receiver. An
    all-software free ATSC receiver would allow among other things the
    construction of the mother of all "personal video recorders." Think
    Tivo or Replay on steroids. The folks from the Broadcast Protection
    Discussion Group (BPDG) have other ideas. They'd like to lock up the
    cleartext signal and make sure that only members of their club would
    be allowed to build receivers, modulators, and storage devices for
    digital TV. A discussion of where this is all likely to head. Panel
    participants include GNU Radio technical folks Eric Blossom and Matt
    Ettus as well as representatives from the EFF.
    Hacking for Community Radio
    The technical and political struggle to take back the airwaves for the
    community. A panel discussion about the attempt to build linux based
    free software that can stream broadcast quality audio over the Internet
    from a studio to a transmitter site. In addition, there will be
    discussion on attempts to use wireless ethernet to shoot broadcast
    quality audio across town with high gain antennas and 2.4 gigahertz
    Hosted by Pete Tridish from the Prometheus Radio Project, Josh
    Marcus, Dave Arney, and Roland Aguilar from the Philadelphia
    Independent Media Center, and K. Clair from the Genderchangers.
    Hacking Nanotech
    Nanofabrication technology is an up and coming field that will
    revolutionize the way humans live on a day to day basis. Host Jim
    "Cips" tells what the future projections about nanofabrication are -
    things like robots so small you would need an electron microscope to
    see them. There will also be an examination of some amazing
    achievements that have been accomplished already as well as an analysis
    of the possible ethical problems that may arise with nanofabrication in
    the future.
    Hacking National Intelligence:
    Possibilities for a Public Intelligence Revolution
    Robert David Steele, author of two books on intelligence reform and
    sponsor of the Council on Intelligence, will provide a briefing on the
    state of the world, 21st Century tradeoffs that are NOT being made by
    our elected leaders, and how citizens can take back the power by
    practicing the new craft of intelligence to monitor and instruct their
    elected officials on key national security decisions. Among other major
    aspects, this would translate into a freezing of the Pentagon budget at
    $250 billion a year and redirection of $150 billion a year toward
    global education, public health, water and energy conservation, and
    "soft power" options including diplomacy and information peacekeeping,
    a term Steele devised in the early 1990's.
    Hacking the Invisible World
    Everything you could possibly want to know about the workings of
    scanners, frequency counters, intercepting/spoofing RF A/V feeds,
    STL's, pagers, infrared signs, night vision, electronic surveillance,
    Hosted by Craig Harkins, Bernie S., and Barry "The Key" Wels
    Hardware Q&A
    Explore a different form of hacking and interface directly with fellow
    electronics enthusiasts. Javaman and friends will try to answer any
    questions related to hardware and electronics including but not limited
    to hardware tokens, radio/wireless technologies, embedded systems,
    smart cards, and secure hardware design.
    How to Start an IMC in Your Town
    At H2K, Jello Biafra urged attendees to become the media. Since then, many
    people have done just that. One of the most powerful tools in fighting
    the corporate media's stranglehold on information in this country has
    been the Indymedia network. Learn what's involved with becoming a part
    of Indymedia, the various hurdles and roadblocks you can expect to
    face, and how you can make a difference.
    Human Autonomous Zones: The Real Role of Hackers
    How the role of hackers in society has changed. They used to be a
    necessary counterbalance to corporate and government power. Now, it's
    more like hackers are the only ones who understand the technology. They
    have become a balance to the power of technology itself. A discussion
    by renowned author Doug Rushkoff.
    "I Am Against Intellectual Property"
    In the words of host Nelson Denoon: "Quit fucking apologizing for
    filesharing. Intellectual property is evil, filesharing is freedom
    fighting, and the sooner Jack Valenti is bumming quarters for a living,
    the better. The question is not how to protect artists, it is how to
    muster enough force to protect the right to hack."
    The Ins and Outs of Webcasting
    While the airwaves have been almost completely taken over by corporate
    interests, there is a whole world of broadcasting on the Internet just
    waiting for creative minds. Find out what it takes to get an Internet
    station going and what kinds of creative programming are possible.
    Also, learn what the recently mandated RIAA licensing fees will mean to
    the future of this broadcasting medium.
    Keynote: Aaron McGruder
    Just about everyone has at one time or another read the daily comic
    strip "The Boondocks." Not everyone has appreciated it. In fact, it's
    generated a share of controversy among the mainstream for its
    "alternative" views. In addition, McGruder has devoted space to hacker
    issues, most notably the DeCSS case - which was presented accurately
    for probably the first time in most of the papers his strip appears in.
    McGruder is one of those rare individuals with access to the mainstream
    who actually "gets" the technical issues. Needless to say, he has been
    targeted relentlessly by censors for daring to speak his mind. Sound
    Keynote: Siva Vaidhyanathan
    "Life in a Distributed Age"
    Distributed information systems of all kinds are challenging cultural
    and political assumptions. The moral of the story is that whether we
    like it or not, it's time to take anarchy seriously. We have spent the
    past 200 years thinking centralization of power and information was the
    greatest challenge to republican forms of government and corporatized
    commerce. But now, it should be clear, decentralization and encryption
    have emerged as the most important dynamics of power.
    Barry "The Key" Wels returns from The Netherlands to provide details of some
    high security lock weaknesses and to demonstrate some state of the art
    techniques of exploiting them. He will tell the story of a company that had
    the famous line "Nobody can pick this lock" on their website. Of course,
    this was the ultimate motivation for the sport-lockpickers. This panel is where
    you can find out if a particular lock can be picked or not. Spare locks are
    always welcome, as TOOOL (The Open Organization of Lockpickers)
    is short of good locks.
    LPFM Basics
    Learn exactly how to navigate the LPFM licensing process. Pete Tridish
    of the Prometheus Radio Project and John Ramsey of Ramsey Electronics
    will present background about the fight for community radio and explain
    the absurd technical limitations placed on low-power community FM radio
    stations by powerful corporate interests.
    Magic Lantern and Other Evil Things
    A talk by Rudy Rucker Jr. on the BadTrans worm and the FBI's Magic
    Lantern software. Both of these pieces of software are very similar and
    install keystroke logging software on clients' machines. Rucker has
    collected a couple of gigabytes of the BadTrans data and will explain
    how he parsed it and created a web-based tool for people to browse the
    Making Money on the Internet While Still Saying "Fuck"
    Pud of fuckedcompany.com will speak about his experiences setting up
    and maintaining a popular Web site for corporate rumors. How does he
    handle confidentiality of rumor-mongers, avoid lawsuits, provide custom
    software to drive the site, and make money from it?
    Negativland - Past, Present, Future
    If there is any one group who personifies the concept of "fair use,"
    that group would have to be Negativland. The Bay Area based band has,
    over the years, drawn the ire of everyone from rock band U2 to American
    Top 40 host Casey Kasim to angry parents to confused legislators. Lead
    singer Mark Hosler hosts this presentation which will focus on media
    literacy as well as the activism, pranks, and hoaxes that Negativland
    has engaged in over the years. A number of rare Negativland films will
    also be shown.
    The New FBI and How It Can Hurt You
    On May 29, the Federal Bureau of Investigation dramatically changed its
    focus. Now, instead of investigating crimes, its mission is to prevent
    them, meaning they have virtual carte blanche to infiltrate any law
    abiding organization or gathering to make sure all is right. And, even
    better, their third priority of dangerous crimes to stop (next to
    terrorism and espionage) is "cybercrime." We all know what a wide net
    that can be. Hear the dangers firsthand from the people who follow this
    kind of thing.
    Hosted by Mike Levine, Declan McCullagh, Robert Steele
    Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual
    The OSSTMM came about as a need for an open, free security testing
    methodology in response to the numerous security testing companies who
    claimed to have a secret, internal, and corporate confidential
    methodology for testing. It was this methodology that they used to
    differentiate themselves from other testing companies. The problem was
    that often it didn't exist and the tests turned out to be no more than
    commercial scanners set loose on a list of systems. The development of
    the OSSTMM began as a series of logical steps to make a good test and
    grew into the need to make the most thorough test. This presentation
    will show the origin of the OSSTMM and the logic behind it, as well as
    results of reverse-engineering the reports of corporate tests,
    commercial tools, and commercial presentations.
    Hosted by Pete Herzog
    The Password Probability Matrix
    A winnowing method for brute-force password cracking using lossy
    compression. Cryptologist Jon Erickson will present the specifics for a
    newly developed password cracking method and perform a demonstration of
    it. The method is a hybrid between using computational power and
    storage space for an exhaustive brute-force attack utilizing a
    compressed matrix of probabilistic values. He will demonstrate the
    ability to crack any 4 character password with a fixed salt in under
    8 seconds (assuming 10,000 cracks per second), using only a 141 meg file.
    A normal exhaustive brute-force on the same system would take over
    2 hours, and flat text storage of the plaintext/hash pairs would normally
    use over a gigabyte of storage. This translates to 99.9% keyspace
    reduction and 89% storage compression.
    The Patriot Act
    Members of the New York City People's Law Collective will be discussing
    the dangers of the Patriot Act and providing information on warrants,
    hacktivism, what is legal and what is not, and ways that hackers,
    activists, and normal citizens can protect themselves from The Man.
    Protection for the Masses
    Host Rop Gonggrijp gives updates on two projects designed to help
    people protect their privacy from prying eyes. One is a localhost mail
    proxy for PGP that is really nice and could "save the world" as the PGP
    plugins stop working (soon...). The other one is Secure Notebook, a
    project to create a notebook which runs Windows, yet is secure against
    theft. Source for all projects will be open for review.
    This year's retrocomputing panel will focus on hardware hacking and
    cloning such systems as the Apple ][ and C64. Also included will be a
    discussion on homebrew microcomputers and kits from the 70's as well as
    antique cellphone hacking. Witness firsthand genuine pieces of history.
    Attendees are encouraged to bring their really old computers for the
    "retrocomputer neighborhood" in the network room.
    Hosted by Mr. Ohm, Sam Nitzberg, Nightstalker, and Bernie S.
    Secure Telephony: Where ARE the Secure Phones?
    Panel participants will take a look at the history of secure phones,
    what's worked and what hasn't, who the players are, and what needs to
    happen to make truly secure telephony a ubiquitous reality. Panel
    members include former Starium CTO Eric Blossom and Rop Gonggrijp of
    The Shape of the Internet: Influence and Consequence
    Network researchers have discovered strong power law relationships
    in the Internet. These can be interpreted as a direct fingerprint
    of the fractal structure present on the net. Work has only recently
    begun on analyzing the implications of such a structure on attack
    tolerance, government snooping, and the like. In this talk, a review
    of these topics will be presented, along with a proposed network
    structure that can avoid such issues.
    Hosted by Javaman
    Social Engineering
    A tradition started at the first HOPE conference in 1994, the social
    engineering panel remains one of our most popular each and every time.
    It would be wrong for us to tell you what we have planned because then
    our victims might have a fighting chance of escaping. Suffice to say,
    we will find someone somewhere who will tell us something they really
    shouldn't have because they believed we were somebody we weren't. This
    panel is always open to participants so if you feel you're worthy, just
    let us know during the conference and you might find yourself up on
    stage trying to be clever on the phone.
    Standing Up To Authority
    "How is it you folks have gotten away with not getting shut down by the
    powers-that-be?" is the question most frequently asked of Cryptome
    (www.cryptome.org) since its inception in 1996. Post-9/11 H2K2 is an
    opportune time and place to reconsider implications of this question
    with Cryptome founders John Young and Deborah Natsios, New York
    City-based architects (of bricks and mortar), who will discuss their
    means and methods of sustaining activism in the face of opposition,
    with reference to ongoing cases.
    Steganography: Wild Rumors and Practical Applications
    Is Osama bin Laden sending coded messages in the pictures of goods for
    sale on EBay? Is that MP3 file carrying a secret note that tracks the
    listeners? Steganography is the art and science of hiding information
    in digital data and it stretches the boundaries of information theory
    and philosophy. An artful programmer can hide secret messages in such a
    way that a 1 is not always a 1 and a 0 is not always a 0. This talk
    will explore some of the popular schemes for inserting messages and
    discuss how they're used by hackers, poets, corporate bean counters,
    and programmers on a deadline.
    Hosted by Peter Wayner
    Strategic Thought in Virtual Deterrence and
    Real Offense: The Computer's Role
    Computers are pivotal components in modern society: daily life,
    banking, and military. What must be considered and what risks do we all
    face when they are used in conflict? These concerns are societal in
    nature and apply to both "minor" and "major" groups, governments, and
    militaries. There will be opportunity for ample questions from the
    audience. The intention is to share the overall attendee perspective.
    The goal is to be thought provoking, not scare-mongering.
    Hosted by Wanja Naef and Sam Nitzberg
    Teaching Hacker Ethics with a Common Curriculum
    An introduction of a new proposed curriculum guideline for teaching
    information ethics to students in elementary school, high school, and
    college. This curriculum is being proposed through the North Carolina
    chapter of Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility. The idea
    is to foster creative, exploratory, effective, and intelligent use of
    information tools (aka, the hacker ethic), rather than powerless
    end-user mentality. There are many reasons to desire a common suggested
    curriculum for different educational levels. We might argue that most
    major advances in computing were brought about by hackers. We could
    point out that it's necessary to encourage creative and exploratory
    behavior for the next generation of computer users to do brilliant
    things. For today's hackers, the goal is simply to shape tomorrow's
    hackers so that they will use their abilities to help create a better
    Hosted by Greg Newby
    Tracking Criminals on the Internet
    How certain criminal investigations have been investigated in the past
    couple of years with perps being tracked by IP addresses, email, and
    web surfing. Such cases include the murder of Daniel Pearl, the search
    for Bin Laden, the Melissa virus release, the Clayton Lee Waagner
    escape, the anthrax attacks, and the Wakefield mass murders.
    Hosted by Richard M. Smith
    The Ultimate Co-location Site
    Sealand was founded as a sovereign principality in 1967 in
    international waters, six miles off the eastern shores of Britain. The
    island fortress is conveniently situated from 65 to 100 miles from the
    coasts of France, Belgium, Holland and Germany. HavenCo has been
    providing services since May 2000 and is fully operational, offering
    the world's most secure managed servers in the world's only true free
    market environment - the Principality of Sealand. Avi Freedman of
    HavenCo will talk about the challenges and potential of this unique
    working environment and what it could mean to the future of the net.
    The Vanished Art of Human Intelligence
    Why the World Trade Center Would Still Be Standing if Defense
    Against Terrorism Had Been Contracted Out to the Private Sector
    A collection of videos and analysis by WBAI talk show host and 25 year
    federal agent Mike Levine. Learn about the dangers of the use of human
    intelligence in the hands of amateurs and imagine what is about to
    happen under the new anti-terrorism laws.

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Fri Jun 28 2002 - 13:47:20 PDT