Password Security Policy Question

From: L. Adrian Griffis (dt26453at_private)
Date: Tue Sep 10 2002 - 09:36:26 PDT

  • Next message: Roman Drahtmueller: "Re: Password Security Policy Question"

    I am aware of a company that has instituted a policy that limits a
    specific character in people's passwords to being a numeric character.
    Personally, I am confused at this policy.  It seems to me that
    placing such a specific limit on a specific position in a password
    simply reduces the number of guesses that someone would have to try
    in a brute force attack.
    Does anyone out there know if there is any theoretical basis for
    believing that a policy to limit a specific character position
    in passwords to a numeric character will enhance security.  If not,
    does anyone know how such a misunderstanding might have occurred?

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