nidump on OS X

From: Dale Harris (rodmurat_private)
Date: Sun Sep 15 2002 - 14:28:48 PDT

  • Next message: Steven M. Bellovin: "Re: Bypassing SMTP Content Protection with a Flick of a Button"

    Basically any normal user can get a dump of the passwd file and attempt 
    brute force attacks on the encrypted passwds, it includes the root passwd.
    This problem has been around for well over a year, but Apple ignores it:
    However Apple hasn't seemed to bother addressing it yet since it still persists
    in OS X.2 (Jaguar).  You'd think they might have taken the opportunity to fix
    this problem with a new major release.
    This obviously isn't such a big problem when you are dealing with only
    limited access desktop systems, but Xserve exists now, and I would think
    it'd be a bigger concern.  Course you could always chmod 700 nidump.
    Dale Harris   

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