Re: Taliban Virus

From: Steve Layman (slayman@private)
Date: Thu Oct 25 2001 - 16:40:29 PDT

  • Next message: John E Jewkes-AAA0OR: "Re: Taliban Virus"

    I also am not offended but embarrassed. An Aggie friend of mine from Texas A&M
    sent this type of virus and it nailed me. Sending this from a newly formatted
    hard disk computer.
    I apologize also but needed a good laugh.
    Enjoy the day.
    Heidi wrote:
    > Speaking for myself, don't apologize, I think everyone can use a good laugh
    > now and then,thank you for this one, it is great! :)
    > Heidi
    > I apologize in advance for passing this along, but I just couldn't resist.
    > Soren
    > __________________________________________________________
    > You have just received a Taliban virus. Since we are not so
    > technologically advanced in Afghanistan, this is a MANUAL virus.
    > Please delete all the files on your hard disk yourself and send this
    > mail to everyone you know.
    > Thank you very much for helping me.
    > Abdulla
    > Talibanian hacker

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