CRIME Monitoring software removal

From: Heidi Henry (mcps@private)
Date: Fri Apr 12 2002 - 13:28:52 PDT

  • Next message: Adam Lipson: "RE: CRIME Perspective on Criticisms leveled at Microsoft"

    Does anyone have any tips on how to locate and completely remove monitoring software that has been installed in a stealth configuration?  I was able to locate the program once, and thought I had deleted it from the registry, however, after a number of reboots, the program has shown itself again, but it cannot be located in the registry as before.  After further research, the program is designed to change its name/extensions, so it is difficult to identify.  I did a search using $, which evidently is used for hiding the program, but I could not locate it a second time.  I have contacted the software vendor as I originally I was able to identify the software manufacture, but have not heard back from them yet.  The vendor FAQ states it cannot be removed without the originating computer or CD, i.e., the target computer cannot remove it.  The program  is Winwhatwhere.  If this were placed on a computer legally, wouldn't it have to be done with a search warrant? This is a private PC, not on a network or in a work place.  Thanks for any suggestions you might have, Heidi e-mail: mcpsat_private

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