Re: CRIME Re: Monitoring software removal

From: Seth Arnold (sarnold@private)
Date: Fri Apr 12 2002 - 16:00:33 PDT

  • Next message: Lyle Leavitt: "Re: CRIME Monitoring software removal"

    On Fri, Apr 12, 2002 at 02:56:25PM -0700, Heidi Henry wrote:
    > I also understand this may not remove some of these types of programs
    > until a complete format is done, which I really do not want to do,
    > so.....if anyone has dealt with this and found another solution.....
    Indeed, it _is_ possible for programs to hide themselves in the master
    boot record, or partition boot records. However, they are unlikely to be
    highly sophisticated programs.
    When Crispin recommended re-installing Windows, he probably meant doing
    a re-format in the process -- if your little spyware program has hidden
    itself in word's executable, or your winamp, or any of the other
    thousand programs on your computer, simply re-installing windows ontop
    of your current machine won't help.
    You've got to do a complete reformat, re-install all your applications
    from CD, and retrieve your data from your last known-good backup. Be
    sure that you restore only data, and not executable content, because it
    might have already tainted your backups.

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