Re: CRIME Archive of list on the web

From: Seth Arnold (sarnold@private)
Date: Mon Apr 22 2002 - 10:01:32 PDT

  • Next message: James Wilcox: "CRIME $1 billion, corporate-funded hack?"

    On Mon, Apr 22, 2002 at 01:52:52AM -0700, Lyle Leavitt wrote:
    > It was my understanding (which may have been incorrect) that CRIME
    > (crime@private) was to be a private moderated list and was limited
    > to those individuals who had submitted an Infragard "Non-Secure
    > Membership Application". That application contained the following
    > optional clause.
    Eh? What is Infragard? Who/what owns or runs this Infragard? Am I in
    violation of the DMCA because I have bypassed the access control
    mechanisms inherent to the Infragard membership application? If I am in
    violation of DMCA, perhaps whoever runs Infragard would be willing to be
    benevolent and provide me with an opportunity to run through their
    access control mechanisms afresh?
    Perhaps the Majordomo output should be modified to directly mention
    Infragard -- I don't recall reading about Infragard when I signed onto
    this list. I also don't recall any prohibitions against making my own
    personal archives of the list available to the public.
     -- sarnold, wondering where the "don't write anything in an email you
    wouldn't want to read on the front page of your newspaper" saying went
    that we were all required to read years ago before our ISPs would even
    let us log in...

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