Re: CRIME Archive of list on the web

From: Wil Cooley (wcooley@private)
Date: Tue Apr 23 2002 - 15:50:38 PDT

  • Next message: Crispin Cowan: "Re: CRIME Archive of list on the web"

    Also Sprach Crispin Cowan <crispin@private> on Tue, Apr 23, 2002 at 01:59:17PM PDT
    > Zot O'Connor wrote:
    > >1)  Read the thread all the way before replying!  There have been a
    > >number of questions asked when the answers were given.
    > >
    > CRIME has at least a 30 minute delay between submitting a post and the 
    > post appearing. It is likely that Seth had not seen George's post at the 
    > time Seth posted.
    > This delay is because Majordomo blows. Mailman can post to 500 people in 
    > a few minutes, while Majordomo can take 45 minutes to do the same task.
    Actually, Mailman's working around a defect in Sendmail's ability to
    perform bulk delivery.  With a newer Sendmail, the 'bulkdelivery'
    agent, Postfix, or probably any other MTA, bulk delivery is broken
    up into groups which can be delivered in parallel.
    > >Therefore I ask that no archives of the CRIME list be published without
    > >some form of protection (anonimizing/email munging), and that you
    > >announce those archives on the list periodically.  
    > >
    > Mailman would take care of this for us, too:
    >     * creates a nice, threaded archive of the list
    >     * lets you control access to the list, so that only subscribers can
    >       read the archive
    >     * optionally munges e-mail addresses
    >     * bonus: Mailman can be configured to allow only subscribers to
    >       post, which stops nearly 100% of spam sent to the list
    I admit that I prefer Mailman over Majordomo, but PSU hosts quite
    a few mailing lists and has procedures set up for managing all of
    them; I doubt they're ready for a wholesale migration to Mailman.
    Unless you're volunteering to take over hosting on Mithra ;)
    W. Reilly Cooley                           wcooley@private
    Naked Ape Consulting              
                  * Linux and Network Consulting *                                     #orlug,#lnxs
    A prohibitionist is the sort of man one wouldn't care to drink with
    -- even if he drank.
    		-- H.L. Mencken

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Sun May 26 2002 - 11:42:11 PDT