Why send the full headers of received spam to this list? It was sent to the list, everyone can easily get at the headers, so why forward them again? If you want to report the spam, report it to the originating ISPs and open relays along the way. If you don't like spam, run spamassassin or spamfilter or vipul's razor. Spamassassin works great for me. I submit all spam I receive to vipul's razor, so at least _someone_ else here is submitting spams on this list to them -- so if you read your email after I do, using vipul's razor, you won't have to see the ones I've already cleared. (And yes, I plan on upgrading to Vipul's Razor v2 at some point, to get all the benefits from its new features.) Or you could use commercial spamfighting tools such as spamcop to help filter your email. -- http://sardonix.org/
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