From: Jim Battan (JimB@private)
Date: Fri Jul 19 2002 - 07:56:27 PDT

  • Next message: J.Michael Cuciti: "Re: [RE: CRIME Re: TIPS]"

    I (and more importantly, my internal customers) can use it from any web
    browser, including the library and public cafes, with no need for client
    software, configuration, modems, etc.  We're not limited to dial-up speeds
    (we don't allow inbound pcA through our firewall).  It's not a resource hog
    like pcA (clearly VNC is better in this regard).  It's less expensive than
    pcA, but obviously lots more than VNC.  Expertcity has an extensive white
    paper on the differences v-v pcA.
    > In what way is it better than pcanywhere or VNC ?

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