Re: CRIME How to stop this from happening.....

From: Crispin Cowan (crispin@private)
Date: Sat Sep 14 2002 - 12:51:18 PDT

  • Next message: alan: "Re: CRIME How to stop this from happening....."

    John E Jewkes-AAA0OR-AAA0ID wrote:
    >     Virus W32.Klez.H@mm was found. 
    >         So, How do I stop it?
    You cannot effectively stop it, because of the way Klez works.
    Klez is a 3-way virus.  Consider the 3 people Alice, Bob, and John :) 
     Alice knows both Bob and John. Alice gets infected with Klez. Klez 
    looks in Alice's address book, and finds e-mail addresses for both Bob 
    and John. Klez sends an e-mail to Bob, but forges the headers so as to 
    claim to have been sent by John. If Bob's admin or virus filter software 
    is not thinking about it very carefully, they send their complaints to John.
    There is no way to avoid this problem, other than to absolutely refulse 
    to associate with Windows users, because Klez can only infect Windows. 
    And this completely fails if you ever post to a public list (such as 
    CRIME) because you end up in Klez's cross-hairs if an invected victim 
    just browses a web page that displays your post.
    Crispin, who thinks it should be an offense for Federal or State 
    employees to deploy Windows systems
    Crispin Cowan, Ph.D.
    Chief Scientist, WireX            
    Security Hardened Linux Distribution:
    Available for purchase:

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