CRIME Suspicious PayPal Verification Email

From: Andrew Plato (aplato@private)
Date: Mon Sep 16 2002 - 13:17:29 PDT

  • Next message: Don Park: "Re: CRIME Suspicious PayPal Verification Email"

    This looks like a scam, did anybody else get this?
    I got this email last week. If you look at the URL, it goes to a different IP address ( I did a reverse lookup on the name and traced it back to some dialup account in England. 
    I don't know - looks like a scam to me. If you click the link you go to an apparently legitimite looking PayPal site. But that could have been easily duplicated. I didn't investigate any further than that. I have to be on my way to a customer meeting. 
    Andrew Plato, CISSP
    President / Principal Consultant
    Anitian Corporation
    (503) 644-5656 office
    (503) 201-0821 cell
    -----Original Message-----
    From: service@private [mailto:service@private]
    Sent: Sunday, September 15, 2002 1:29 PM
    To: Andrew Plato
    Subject: PayPal Verification
    Dear PayPal Member,
    Please log into your PayPal account using the following link to confirm you are still an active PayPal user asap. 
    We are now requesting the password to the e-mail address you signed up to PayPal with. This is so our systems can confirm the confirmation e- mails off PayPal stay in your account because there has been a rise in the amount of fraudsters getting access to users e-mail addresses and deleting the Paypal confirmations. 
    This is to protect you and ourselves. 
    PayPal will use this information for fraud protection only. 
    This is our new yearly checkup process to screen any inactive accounts. run - run 
    Thankyou for your co-operation. 
    PayPal Support

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