Re: CRIME better computing for oregon using open source

From: Greg Jorgensen (gregj@private)
Date: Wed Sep 25 2002 - 00:18:48 PDT

  • Next message: Crispin Cowan: "Re: CRIME Computers vulnerable at Oregon department"

    On Wednesday, September 25, 2002, at 01:09  PM, Shaun Savage wrote:
    > If two companies make "chairs" and if one company chair is softer, 
    > last longer, and cost the same, the other company will need to make 
    > better chairs in order to sell chairs.  The niche example is an 
    > exception not the rule.
    If the first company sells their chairs from a garage and the second 
    company sells them through Costco, the first company is losing. In 
    other words technical advantages (better-made chair) can and frequently 
    are overcome by marketing advantages (better distribution, advertising, 
    sales). How many articles of handmade clothing do you own?
    >>>     1A- "shorter development time reduces software quality"
    >> Does not follow. Good design can lead to shorter development and 
    >> better software quality. And this does not appear to have anything to 
    >> do with monopolies.
    > Correct it does not relate to monopolies, but on average it is true. 
    > When a project reaches a large size, the good design will only help so 
    > much.  On average, if competition forces the release of a project 
    > before it is ready, the software quality will be reduced. The more 
    > "man years" put into software the better the software ON AVERAGE.
    Your assertion isn't supported by the evidence of fifty years of 
    software development. For examples refer to "The Mythical Man-Month" by 
    Fred Brooks, "Peopleware" by Tom DeMarco, "Rapid Development" by Steve 
    McConnell, and any number of other books. Given the orders of magnitude 
    measured differences in programmer productivity, major variations in 
    schedule pressures from one organization to the next, and many other 
    factors that influence development time, you simply can't use 
    development time to say anything about software quality, assuming we 
    can even agree on what that means and how to measure it (we'd be the 
    Even if what you say is true, the developers taking longer lose a big 
    advantage: having anything to sell against their faster competitors. 
    Being first to market is a huge advantage, sometimes a big enough 
    advantage to effectively kill competitors who may have superior 
    In what other discipline would you conclude that taking longer to 
    finish produced a superior product? And what does "average" mean when 
    applied to measurements of quality?
    > I keep hearing about companies giving away IP if they move to open 
    > source.  I keep hearing about what is the motivation is write open 
    > source software?
    > If the state pays for a custom software, does not the state owns that 
    > custom software?  If companies know they are working for money writing 
    > open source software, then there should be no problem.  When you get 
    > paid for programming, does not the payor own what you programmed?
    Only if the contract is negotiated that way. In most states the paying 
    customer owns the software by default UNLESS a contract makes other 
    arrangements. But the software may have value (actual or imagined) 
    beyond the initial customer. A client may pay me to develop an 
    e-commerce engine. After defining requirements I may conclude that I 
    can resell the e-commerce engine to other clients, so I negotiate with 
    my customer to retain rights to resell the engine, and in return I give 
    them a reduced price for development. It happens all the time.
    > OK, BUT all protocols and file formats should be OPEN and published.  
    > By  requiring open protocols and file formats, that allows prevents 
    > monopoly on software and locking user into poor software.
    When it comes to protocols or formats in the security realm I agree; 
    secret protocols are no basis for security. In other areas I'm not 
    sure. Industries have tended to develop common protocols and file 
    formats among themselves because it makes business sense, without open 
    source advocates telling them to. Protocols and file formats are much 
    more open than you may think. From the format of magnetic strips on 
    credit cards, to UPC bar codes, to how bills of lading move between 
    trucking companies, the protocols and formats are frequently 
    standardized by the ISO and publicly available (though of limited 
    interest). That was happening back in the '60s, before more most open 
    source geeks were born, because the government started forcing 
    contractors to follow the same standards. Have you ever heard of the 
    programming language Ada?
    As for APIs, one could argue that APIs are part of the source code and 
    may reveal proprietary information. Personally I don't really care 
    whether Microsoft publishes the "secret" Windows APIs or not, though I 
    do see how it gives them an advantage over their own developers. Those 
    secret APIs only give them an advantage in the realm of Windows 
    software, though, not in the software market at large. Office doesn't 
    dominate because it is better than the competitors (though I think it 
    probably is), and it doesn't dominate because MS kept the APIs secret. 
    It dominates because MS has always been better at strong-arming their 
    distribution channels (PC manufacturers and retailers) into bundling 
    their software and only their software. The advantage comes from 
    marketing and management savvy, not from technical secrets.
    > NOw the open source software needs to open to the public. This allows 
    > new people/companies to learn the software and compete in the bidding 
    > process for maintaince.  If the software is only open to the state 
    > then  the same old people will keep bidding and winning the contracts.
    For government software I agree that we need some way to fairly open up 
    bidding for maintenance and support. And we need some way to protect 
    the public interest in case the software vendor goes belly up. You need 
    to accept, however, that "the same old people" get the contracts more 
    often because of who they golf with or who they went to school with, 
    not because of any technical advantage. Life's not fair.
    Greg Jorgensen
    PDXperts LLC, Portland, Oregon, USA

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