Re: CRIME Managed VPN?

From: Zot O'Connor (zot@private)
Date: Wed Oct 16 2002 - 04:53:07 PDT

  • Next message: James H. Webb: "[PLUG] Home network connectivity problem"

    On Fri, 2002-10-11 at 23:33, Andrew Plato wrote:
    > Hey gang, quick question.
    > A client of mine in the Bay Area asked if I knew about a national firm
    > that did "managed VPN" access. I rattled my brain and couldn't think
    > of anybody in a national presence except maybe a telco like Verizon or
    > WorldBomb. They checked into telcos and that wasn't going to work. 
    Most of these are point to point VPNs, so it is no different than a
    managed router with either PPTP (yuck) or IPSEC on the router.
    Some other firms have larger VPN for "rent" where they install gateways
    into the clients facilities and then allow roaming user access to the
    VPN via the ISP Internet connection.
    Quite frankly this makes sense.  The biggest headache of VPNs is config
    time.  If you can outsource that, and maintain security, then I bet it
    pays for itself in the short run.  In the long run you are probably
    going to change things anyway.  Things like your company name, stock
    listing, job, etc.
    The only place where this starts to fall apart is odd ball routing (VPN
    gets to building A, needs to go to Building B.  Building B's ip are real
    IP, so VPN has to know to route there, but not all IPs are "inside", and
    the VPN blocks Internet access.....).
    > _______________________________
    Zot O'Connor

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