Re: CRIME CARE meeting

From: Shaun Savage (savages@private)
Date: Wed Oct 23 2002 - 17:50:00 PDT

  • Next message: Andrew Plato: "RE: CRIME Driveby DOS"

    Hash: SHA1
    I have seen meetings of small groups so
    I thought that everything was already decided by small groups?
    Wendy Farber wrote:
    | Hello,
    | We will be holding a meeting to design content for the
    | CARE (Cyber Awareness Responsibility and Ethics) which
    | we are working on rolling out to the Boys and Girls
    | Club and then to the school districts to teach kids
    | how to safely, ethically, and responsibly use
    | technology. We now have funding and a group of
    | students to pilot the program to and we are meeting to
    | work on creating lessons and activities to present to
    | the students.
    | The meeting will be held next Friday October 25th from
    | 9am to 3pm at the Riverhouse building in Rood Bridge
    | Park.  The address for the park is 4000 SE Rood Bridge
    | Road, Hillsboro.  Lunch will be provided.
    | Please RSVP to Stevie at steviem@private if
    | you plan to attend so that we can have the right
    | amount of food.
    | Wendy Farber
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