CRIME FW: Wireless Communications during disaster?

From: George Heuston (GeorgeH@private)
Date: Fri Jun 06 2003 - 09:16:53 PDT

  • Next message: George Heuston: "CRIME FW: [Information_technology] Daily News 6/06/03"

    Forwarded at Rich's request (he's doing the Rose Festival gig, and not
    at a terminal today)...
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Goerling, Richard J. LT (TAD to CGIC Portland)
    Sent: Friday, June 06, 2003 8:55 AM
    To: George Heuston
    Subject: Wireless Communications during disaster?
    I'd like to get some input from those of you who have expertise in
    wireless communications.  I know these are rather expansive questions,
    and the issues related to them, security and otherwise, are myriad.
    However, the basics are what I'm after:
    --What are the weaknesses of relying on cell phones, during post-natural
    disaster or man-made disaster, for a public safety agency's
    communications (Coast Guard in this case)?  
    --Are other wireless forms of comms more reliable than cell phones?  
    As a part of a broad-based Port Security Plan covering the Oregon,
    Idaho, Southern Washington region. We are looking at what comms options
    we should consider as a contingency for a disaster... any input would be
    Richard Goerling
    U.S. Coast Guard MSO/Group Portland
    6767 N. Basin Avenue
    Portland, OR 97217
    (503) 247-4018 office
    (503) 240-9302 fax
    (503) 849-2026 cell 

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