Re: CRIME Privacy Vs Security

From: Seth Arnold (sarnold@private)
Date: Mon Jun 09 2003 - 22:29:52 PDT

  • Next message: Tao, Greg: "RE: CRIME Privacy Vs Security"

    On Mon, Jun 09, 2003 at 09:36:20PM -0700, Crispin Cowan wrote:
    >    * Travel within and outside the US is a right of citizens, while
    >      driving a vehicle or riding in a plane is a privilege
    Travel on planes involves fairly invasive searches, to which I'm sure
    you're accustomed. :) How would you feel if similar searches were
    extended to your car? I more or less welcome the "search" of emissions
    testing, and wonder if I could have The Powers That Be require one of
    specific vehicles as I see them, but how far does this line move before
    you're upset about it?
    On a related matter, though at best off-topic for this forum, I've
    wondered about the legality of the INS roadblocks in southern california
    strewn across some major highways a fair distance into the country. It
    is my understanding that any hispanic-looking folks get pulled over
    every time they go through, with a request for documents. Is "looking
    hispanic" sufficient cause for search? Any pointers the audience can
    offer would be cool. :)
    "Dependence on computers is apparently making a significant fraction
    of the population incurably stupid." -- Fritz Whittington

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