CRIME Windows processes

From: Faith Baynes (faith@private)
Date: Mon Jul 28 2003 - 09:21:50 PDT

  • Next message: Andrew Plato: "RE: CRIME Windows processes"

    OK - let's get the obligatory ewwww out of the way. Some companies do use Windows servers. That's life.
    Anyway, is there a list out there somewhere of what processes run in say, an average Win2k SP3 Server install? Let me qualify - a reputable list? Usually I'm stuck searching for an exe that's running in google. I see some sites that contain lists of processes but I don't get the warm fuzzies that this is a definitive answer... Ideally, what I'd like is program.exe does THIS and runs from THIS location and should have THIS file size and date. In the field, I have not found MS's knowledgebase to be of help in this area.
    It is possible for a process that looks like a windows process to be in fact, something less desirable, right? I am assuming that windows will happily load explorer.exe as long as the exe is where windows expects it to be regardless of the altered file size or date...
    So.... does such a resource exist?
    Thank in advance for any input.

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