Re: CRIME tips for preventing identify fraud after a wallet, purse, or checkbook has been stolen?

From: Mark Morrissey (markem@private)
Date: Mon Aug 04 2003 - 09:39:30 PDT

  • Next message: Klotz, Brian: "RE: CRIME tips for preventing identify fraud after a wallet, purs e, or checkbook has been stolen?"

    On Mon, 4 Aug 2003, Tao, Greg wrote:
    > Does anybody have a link to information about what steps a person should
    > take to minimize the risk of identity fraud after an event like that?
    There is a local company named Fraud RX that specializes in this area.
    They have a free website at that talks about
    prevention and ID recovery. A worthwhile site to visit and a very
    important service. Their corporate website is

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