RE: CRIME tips for preventing identify fraud after a wallet, purs e, or checkbook has been stolen?

From: Klotz, Brian (Brian_Klotz@private)
Date: Mon Aug 04 2003 - 10:35:15 PDT

  • Next message: Jacob Redding: "RE: CRIME tips for preventing identify fraud after a wallet, purs e, or checkbook has been stolen?"
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Tao, Greg [mailto:greg.tao@private] 
    Sent: Monday, August 04, 2003 8:57 AM
    To: crime@private
    Subject: CRIME tips for preventing identify fraud after a wallet, purse, or
    checkbook has been stolen?
    There was some discussion about identify fraud on this list some time back,
    and the topic came up again for me now that a friend had her
    purse/wallet/checkbook stolen over the weekend.
    Does anybody have a link to information about what steps a person should
    take to minimize the risk of identity fraud after an event like that?
    There seems to be plenty of advice out there about what to try if you think
    you have already been a victim, but I'm wondering if there are any best
    practices to follow after your purse/wallet/checkbook has been stolen.
    Thanks in advance for the replies.
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