CRIME How-to question

From: Rob Jacobsen (cwpcpa@private)
Date: Fri Aug 15 2003 - 07:54:28 PDT

  • Next message: SA Phil R. Slinkard: "RE: CRIME How-to question"

    Since there has been a bit of discussion regarding online scams. I thought I
    should ask what  is the best method for sending the offending e-mail to the
    authorities?  Should I convert it to a file and attach that or forward the
    message or ????  I'm sure they will want all the headers and such to tell
    where the message originated, so what is the best way to preserve that
    infomation and get it to the right hands?  Thanks for the education.
    Rob Jacobsen
    Operator / Network Technician
    Cowlitz Water Pollution Control Plant
    Mailing Address: 207 Fourth Ave. North
                     Kelso, WA  98626
    Plant Location: 467 Fibre Way
                    Longview, WA  98632
    Voice:  (360) 577-2040
    Voice:  (360) 577-2020
    Fax:    (360) 577-2041
    E-mail: cwpcpa@private

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