Re: CRIME Electronic Voting Security

From: Crispin Cowan (crispin@private)
Date: Thu Sep 11 2003 - 08:57:58 PDT

  • Next message: Marc Schuette: "Re: CRIME Electronic Voting Security"

    Anthony Brock wrote:
    >>>>Crispin Cowan <crispin@private> 09/10/03 11:33PM >>>
    >>I don't buy that. No criticism of Anitian; rather Oregon's vote by mail 
    >>system is woefully vulnerable:
    >>   * Simple mail fraud.
    >>   * Coercion: there is no evidence that individuals are no coereced to
    >>     vote particular ways by family members, enforcement goons, or bribery.
    >>   * There is no VVAR (Voter Verifiable Audit Record) of any kind. In
    >>     fact, the voter has no evidence at all that their vote was counted.
    >Of course, VVAR didn't exist even prior to vote-by-mail. While coercion and mail fraud are recent additions to the list, voters have never known if their votes have counted.
    An approximation of VVAR exists with paper ballots. I know how I marked 
    my ballot, because I can see it in my hand. I see it go into the ballot 
    box. Election observers (from each party) sit and watch all day to 
    ensure that the box is not disposed of, and that no one stuff it, and 
    then they observe the counting. There is a verifiable chain of custody 
    of the ballots.
    This doesn't work for digital voting, because the neighborhood 
    busy-bodies who do election observing cannot detect what goes on inside 
    a Diebold machine: arbitrary amounts of fraud can happen inside the 
    software without anyone knowing. Open source software doesn't help, 
    because the software can still be tinkered with in the election machine 
    after it has been audited.
    This doesn't work for vote by mail, because ballots can be intercepted 
    anywhere between the voter and the counting offices. Want to rig a close 
    election? Bribe 100 letter carriers.
    Crispin Cowan, Ph.D. 
    Chief Scientist, Immunix

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