Re: CRIME administrivia: closing the list

From: Crispin Cowan (crispin@private)
Date: Thu Oct 23 2003 - 16:17:08 PDT

  • Next message: Mark Morrissey: "RE: CRIME administrivia: closing the list"

    Mark Morrissey wrote:
    >One of the topics that comes up periodically is whether or not to close
    >the list. By 'close', I mean invoke the majordomo option that restricts
    >postings such that the originating email address must be subscribed to the
    >list for the posting to be successful.
    >In the past, this has been opposed as some people want to read at one
    >location and reply from a different location (such as work and home). This
    >would necessitate subscribing from multiple locations.
    The expedient solution is that "closed" doesn't just reject 
    non-subscriber posts, it routes them to the moderator for moderation. 
    Under MailMan (competitor to Majordomo) it offers the moderator a 
    1-button click for "accept this address forevermore" so that the 
    moderator only has to approve a post from a subscriber's posting address 
    I don't know whether Majordomo can do this kind of thing.
    Crispin Cowan, Ph.D. 
    Chief Scientist, Immunix
    	"I'm not opinionated, I'm right" :)

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