RE: wipe utilities

From: Troy Larson (tlarsonat_private)
Date: Wed Jun 20 2001 - 13:04:24 PDT

  • Next message: sgtphou: "Re: wipe utilities"

    I don't have a policy for you, but I think you are going in the right
    direction.  You raise a couple of interesting issues.  For the purpose of
    fleshing out a policy, I throw out a few more questions.
    First, does it make economic sense to wipe drives, or would it be cheaper
    simply to destroy them?  Hard drives are cheap, and their depreciation is
    quite fast.  Any drive I buy today I can buy for $20-$50 cheaper in a couple
    of months.  So what is the value of a drive that is a year or two old?  Is
    that value worth more than the cost of wiping it?
    As for wiping, I may well start an argument, but I don't think it is
    necessary to wipe numerous times--once is enough to prevent software based
    data recovery.  Unless you have some very valuable data on the drives, I
    wouldn't worry about more sophisticated, hardware focused data recovery
    efforts as these are quite expensive.
    As for wiping utilities, Maresware, AccessData, NTI, Digital Intelligence
    all make good wiping utilities.  I wouldn't worry about file system
    support--use a wiping program to wipe the drive at the physical level rather
    at the logical.
    Troy Larson
    Computer Forensics, Electronic Evidence and Legal Support
    (Direct) 425-793-1988
    (Cell) 425-503-5845
    AIM Address: WestCoastCFS
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Darren Welch [mailto:WELCHDat_private]
    Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2001 8:45 AM
    To: forensicsat_private
    Subject: wipe utilities
    I am looking to draft a corporate policy requiring all hard drives to be
    wiped before being decommissioned, sold, donated, etc.
     The wipe utility must be able to make numerous (up to seven) uninterrupted
    passes and support a wide array of file systems (fat, ntfs, etc).
    Also, the software must support the ability to assign a particular hex
    character as the wipe character.
    Could anyone recommend some products? I currently use wiper for my forensic
    investigations and am very happy with that but I want to provide our IT
    group with several other acceptable options.
    Thanks, D

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