Re: Where are greater risks?

From: Kurt Seifried (bugtraqat_private)
Date: Tue Jun 26 2001 - 16:44:06 PDT

  • Next message: Booke, Raymond: "keyboard logging questions"

    > When you use the dd command to copy the source disk, does the destination
    > disk need to be the same size/geometry or just as large or larger.
    if you had two identical harddrives and did a dd from one to another in
    theory they'd be identical, the alternative is to dd it to a file (so you'd
    need a larger hd) you could then dd it to a drive identical to the first. if
    you dd it to a larger drive it'll probably work if they aren't to far off
    each other size wise/etc.
    > If it is larger, how do the MD5 checksums end up being the same? Wouldn't
    > there be additional data bits (in the remaining space) that would cause
    > hash to change?
    well if you included that space in the MD5 then yes of course the hash would
    be different (barring some miracle coincidence). If you simply md5 to the
    end of the data then it'd be the same.
    > Dave Goldsmith
    Kurt Seifried, seifriedat_private
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