in-house computer forensics

From: Hasty, Gary (Gary.Hastyat_private)
Date: Wed Jul 25 2001 - 12:13:17 PDT

  • Next message: Blake Frantz: "Re: NTFS forensic analysis on Unix platform"

    I have been looking into creating an in-house "forensics"-type position
    within our legal department.  This position would be responsible for
    overseeing "traditional" forensics work as well as a liaison with
    IT/Engineering, technical contract review, penetration studies, etc...
    Question:  Anyone else know of a company with such a position?  Any
    details on how well it works to have in-house resources fulltime as
    opposed to contracting out on a periodic basis?
    Gary M. Hasty, IT Manager Internal Audit
    BellSouth Corporation
    iPager: garyhastyat_private

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