RE: in-house computer forensics

From: Davis, Scott (Scott_Davisat_private)
Date: Wed Jul 25 2001 - 13:48:02 PDT

  • Next message: Kris Carlier: "Re: NTFS forensic analysis on Unix platform"

    From my experience, there is not usually enough work to keep a full-time
    employee busy.  The person who is responsible for forensic analysis of
    systems will also be responsible for other areas.  For example he/she may be
    part of the incident response team, IDS analysis, policy creation or any
    number of other security related tasks.  It also depends on the size of the
    company, number of locations and type of industry. What I have experienced
    is patterns of peaks in workload, it seems like there is an outbreak of
    investigations all of a sudden and it may taper off until another outbreak.
    You have to fill the lulls with something!
    There are pro's and con's on outsourcing vs. in-house.  Depending on what
    your ultimate goal is will determine which is best for you.  Some companies
    do not like to have outsiders involved in the most sensitive areas of the
    business, while others prefer to have an objective third party involved in
    case litigation is involved.  Also finding a skilled investigator to hire
    may prove more difficult and expensive then your budget allows. Where as
    with outside firms you are paying as you need them.  One suggestion I would
    make is to develop the talent in-house.  That is how I got my start in the
    field.  Usually you can find someone who has an interest in it.  Hope this
    helps !
    Just my .02
    Scott Davis
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Hasty, Gary [mailto:Gary.Hastyat_private]
    Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 3:13 PM
    To: 'forensicsat_private'
    Subject: in-house computer forensics
    I have been looking into creating an in-house "forensics"-type position
    within our legal department.  This position would be responsible for
    overseeing "traditional" forensics work as well as a liaison with
    IT/Engineering, technical contract review, penetration studies, etc...
    Question:  Anyone else know of a company with such a position?  Any
    details on how well it works to have in-house resources fulltime as
    opposed to contracting out on a periodic basis?
    Gary M. Hasty, IT Manager Internal Audit
    BellSouth Corporation
    iPager: garyhastyat_private
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