Spysoft Functionality

From: joe pentester (jpentesterat_private)
Date: Tue Oct 02 2001 - 11:36:37 PDT

  • Next message: Matthew.Brownat_private: "Re: Recovering data from a wiped HD"

    A few questions:
    Has anyone used this product [Spysoft]?
    Considering the website hype: "The software can also
    be setup remotely from another computer so you do not
    even need direct access to their computer and they
    will never know you are spying on them ever!"  what
    transport is used to access the target machine,
    particularly in the case of a remote install.
    How likely is this thing to be able to monitor web
    based email?  I can see the keystroke logger capturing
    outgoing mail and perhaps screen capture for incoming,
    but I am doubtful that it can grab data from the http
    stream for services like hotmail.
    I will be trying to answer these questions when I get
    the product for testing, but advance knowledge of
    experience would be helpful.   tia
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