JS.Trojan.Fav.c and JS.Trojan.Seeker.o on a system compromised with netbus

From: George M. Garner Jr. (gmgarnerat_private)
Date: Sun Oct 21 2001 - 22:33:15 PDT

  • Next message: wim.remes: "RE: JS.Trojan.Fav.c and JS.Trojan.Seeker.o on a system compromised with netbus"

    I am doing a forensic analysis of a Windows Millenium system on which
    netbus has been installed.  I am trying to identify the vulnerability
    that permitted netbus to be installed so that I can eradicate the
    problem (and not simply remove the netbus Trojan).  According to the
    file modification times it would appear that a web page containing
    JS.Trojan.Fav.c  was downloaded a few hours prior to netbus being
    installed.  (JS.Trojan.Seeker.o also was found on the system.)  Given
    the chronological sequence, it is tempting to hypothesize a causal
    relationship between the JS.Trojan.Fav.c trojan and the subsequent
    installation of netbus.  But I can't find a description anywhere of what
    this trojan does.  I have searched the archives at www.securityfocus.com
    and there are 0 hits.  http://groups.google.com contains a number of
    hits that list this trojan among the signatures supported by various
    vendors, but there is no analysis.  Has anyone encountered this trojan
    in a forensic investigation before and can tell me what artifacts to
    look for.  
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