RE: boobytraps

From: Ramsey, Shafer (EASD, IT) (Shafer.Ramseyat_private)
Date: Fri Nov 30 2001 - 04:45:37 PST

  • Next message: Holmes, Ben: "RE: boobytraps"

    >>Note that for *some* booby traps, "pulling the
    >>plug" may be the *wrong* thing
    >>to do, and result in the loss of the evidence.  
    >Excellent point.  There is a lot of volatile data
    >that disappears when a system is powered
    >down...and would be extremely useful in a case.
    The alternative though is troublesome.  If you don't create the chain of
    evidence and establish your control over that evidence instantly then any
    forensic work you perform won't stand up in court.  With the HD set in a
    state other than read-only the HD is by definition open to alteration.  That
    of course means that when you go to testify in court and the defense asks if
    there was any chance the files on the HD were altered in any way by your
    actions, you have to answer yes.  And the case gets thrown out, because no
    one can be completely sure who put what files on the HD.
    So, computer forensic investigators are in a catch 22.  If you don't power
    off the HD and bring it back up in a read-only state, your evidence will
    always be suspect and any decent lawyer will rip it to shreds.   But, if you
    do power off the HD, and that drive is encrypted, then you'll loose all of
    your evidence without some very advance tools to read the ghost trails left
    in powered off RAM (which is so close to science fiction that we might as
    well just call it that).  
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