Empty Palm

From: Frank Knobbe (fknobbeat_private)
Date: Wed May 29 2002 - 18:08:48 PDT

  • Next message: Mac Macavity: "Re: Empty Palm"

    in a recent acquisition we created EnCase images of a couple Palm
    Pilots. Could someone please confirm to me in email what exactly an
    'empty' palm looks like? One of those Palms didn't turn on and had to be
    reset. The EnCase data is pretty all zero's with the exception of a
    repeating block of U's. That was somewhat expected after the reset. The
    other Palm is pretty much all zero's as well, but with a repeating, 500
    byte block of data (repeating every 65535 bytes).
    The Palm's weren't really in the scope, but we acquired them anyway
    since we had the opportunity :)  So if the acquisition was flawed, it's
    no harm to the case. I'm just trying to figure out if what I'm seeing is
    normal, or if something messed up with EnCase (v 3.19 btw) during the

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