Re: Empty Palm

From: Mac Macavity (mac_macavityat_private)
Date: Thu May 30 2002 - 08:31:34 PDT

  • Next message: Bill Siebert: "The Guidance Software Computer & Enterprise Investigations Conference"

    Hi Frank,
    This document -
    gives some details of what happens during a soft or hard reset (under the 
    heading "Memory Reset".)
    Kind regards,
    >From: Frank Knobbe <fknobbeat_private>
    >To: forensicsat_private
    >Subject: Empty Palm
    >Date: 29 May 2002 20:08:48 -0500
    >in a recent acquisition we created EnCase images of a couple Palm
    >Pilots. Could someone please confirm to me in email what exactly an
    >'empty' palm looks like? One of those Palms didn't turn on and had to be
    >reset. The EnCase data is pretty all zero's with the exception of a
    >repeating block of U's. That was somewhat expected after the reset. The
    >other Palm is pretty much all zero's as well, but with a repeating, 500
    >byte block of data (repeating every 65535 bytes).
    >The Palm's weren't really in the scope, but we acquired them anyway
    >since we had the opportunity :)  So if the acquisition was flawed, it's
    >no harm to the case. I'm just trying to figure out if what I'm seeing is
    >normal, or if something messed up with EnCase (v 3.19 btw) during the
    ><< signature.asc >>
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