Pagefile for reader/dumpers NT?

From: Andrew van der Stock (
Date: Tue Jul 30 2002 - 19:05:33 PDT

  • Next message: Mike Panchula: "Imaging a PCMCIA flash card?"

    I have an attacker who claims he was able to read the contents of a live NT pagefile which helped him attack further. So far, we have shown that a few of his other claims are without merit, but this one has stumped me.
    Without using a sector editor, I'm not terribly sure reading the live pagefile is possible under normal circumstances. NT/2k explicitly denies access to the file itself at a native API and Win32 level (try "type \pagefile.sys" or "copy \pagefile.sys blah.bin" from a command for yourself :-). This is the only pagefile on the system.  
    Does anyone know of any small command line or UI-less tools that can get or search the contents of the NT pagefile? 
    Andrew van der Stock, MCSE, 
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